The Group widely respected with ventures in constructions, architectural designs and interiors, with construction being its backbone. Established in 1978 and being in business for more than 35 years, this group brings with it excellence, proficiency, integrity and quality. The Group has grown significantly whilst maintaining the values of the Founder and Mentor Mr. Dinesh Gandhi and instilled by Mr. Devang Gandhi, Mr. Mayank Gandhi and Mr. Utpal Gandhi. The Group has always embraced changes within the industry and thrived on innovation, continuous improvement and best practice and it has developed into a dynamic and forward thinking Company. The company has an in house Architecture Department Headed by Mr. Mayank Gandhi and Interior's Department headed by Mr. Utpal Gandhi.

The group has completed very high end projects in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa with other projects in the pipeline. Its vision is to be an active participant in the growth and development of the community and country. The aim is to deliver value to every project and all the clients involved therein and to safeguard the clients interest.


Our Team

  • Dinesh Gandhi

  • Devang Gandhi

  • Utpal Gandhi

  • Mayank Gandhi